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Cafe Guide : Osaka

I would like to list up some of pretty cafes I have visited in Osaka. I believe Horie is the area where is famous for cafes and you can easily find some of them when you are walking around. The cafe called "cafe no." that you can see the photo on the left side is pretty crowded since it is famous for its cute bottle. They have a variety of flavors that changes the color of the drinks, and I picked the strawberry yogurt as you can guess.

大阪でみつけた素敵なカフェをいくつか紹介します。訪れた堀江にはカフェが多くあり、歩いてるだけでもいくつかカフェを見つけることができます。その中でも特に人気だったのはcafe no.というカフェ。カフェの外装はもちろん、ボトルのデザインが可愛い!

The other cafe I have found is the "Saturdays NYC" in Shinsaibashi. This will be my third location to visit ( I first visited in NY and in Nagoya after that ) and it was actually better than I have expected. The space is larger than NY and Nagoya, and it is a open deck cafe. I didn't have much time to explore more places so definitely I will come back Osaka soon to discover more !

心斎橋にあるSaturdays NYC。ニューヨーク・名古屋に続き、大阪の店舗にも訪れましたが、期待を超える素敵なカフェでした。個人的に大好きなオープンテラスになっており、開放感のある空間を楽しむことができます。



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